I am sad to share that we will be extending our program suspension an additional week due to the increasing positivity rate and lack of staff capabilities for in-person program. At this time, our plan is to return to in-person program on Monday, October 19th.
St. Mark Leadership is continuing to monitor the positivity rate and will keep you posted on when we could/would transition back to in-person programming in the future in Western Dubuque. We will continue to offer virtual programming and families activity/and social emotional bags. We will be keeping parents/partners/staff updated on Monday’s during time time on program updates. We appreciate your understanding during this time, as safety of our staff, students, families are #1 priority.
Included below is our “What to Expect from Virtual Program” Flyer to remind you that we will be sending home weekly activity bags, offering live zoom calls, and providing one-on-one check-ins or homework help as needed. Please continue to utilize our staff to support your families needs!
Linked below also are our COVID Protocols for your reference.

If you have any questions, requests, or need assistance navigating our virtual platforms, please feel free to contact me!
As always, feel free to reach out to our team at any time.
Thank you,
Programs: Taylor Noel, tnoel@stmarkyouthenrichment.org 563-582-6211 ext. 108